My World
And now for the post from the favorite daughter :D
(Warning, this post consists of mostly rambling, observations, and wastes 15 minutes of your life you will never be able to get back :P)
As the youngest (AKA "The Spare") daughter, life is a little different for me here on Blackberry Hill (You know it's funny, we call our hill "Blackberry Hill" even though we spend so much time trying to fend them off...O.o). My life during the summer contains adventure, fun, friends, partys...and work. My family's passion for gardening never stops, and the number of things wrong with this house never seems to shorten. Including the number of bee's nest we have here (They're watching us....They're EVERYWHERE!!! O.O).
Sundays are the worst (In my opinion.). This is the day we do our laundry, clean our rooms, do our regular chores, take out the recycling, clean the bathroom, and anything else we feel needs doing. Yesterday was an exception though. Huh, I can hardly remember what we did yesterday...Oh! We gardened (Of course). Although everyone loves to garden, I for some reason don't share that same love. My logic: It's hard, and I don't find it that enjoyable. Did I mention it's hard? Anywho, enough about chores...
I love italics...
As much as I love summer, I love my friends more, and I'm ready to go back. Well, ok that's a lie. I'm not. Well, I'm kinda. I'm just ready to see them. Some of them I havn't seen for...well...JUNE! And to think, summer's almost went by so fast...:(
I <3 my guitar. I might be getting lessons soon! That'll be fun. This has been the first time ive been excited about music lessons. I guess trumpet just really isn't my thing. I <3 music, but trumpet, I'm not so fond of. Ive also discovered my intense love for theater!! I love being on stage and acting. Ive decided that Theater is my focus. Theater, and writing. I <3 to write as well, though I'm not that good. I find I am better at writing storys than poetry, but I can never finish my storys. Im taking creative writing in hopes to improve my writing so I can love the subject more.
Anyways, back to music. Though as much as I love my band buddys and my band director, I dont think our jazz band is for me. I was having fun these few years, but now as I progress more and more, I find that this jazz path and my band director is more about playing constently, and having your focus and future career in jazz music and well, I just play for fun, as a hobby. I think after this year I am going to quit.
I was at my friends house one day (I think it was a few weeks ago...maybe it was last week..>.<) and we of course, being girls and being young, stayed up late just talking. Talking about life, talking about school, talking about friends, and talking about how cool it would be to meet Johnny Depp. :D
Some how, we got on the topic of forming a band. We got excited about getting our talented music friends to join us, I would play guitar with some vocals, and she would be mainly vocals with the occasional guitar, we would get a drummer, a pianist, and practice our butts off. We even started working on songs (we've only finished writing one so far.). We were so excited it took us forever to fall asleep.
Soon though I begin to think, "Is this for real or is this just another dream we talk about but never really take into action?". I want to make this real, but we shall see.
And Now, sadly, It is time to leave. Good night!
-.- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz